
Cycle marketing de soi en anglais (Self marketing)

À propos du cours

The "Self Marketing" training concept

Boost your professional development by expanding your personal potential 1 day of training per month to boost your career 6 training-coaching themes A course dedicated to women (managers, executives, women entrepreneurs, etc.) 10 participants max per session for the best learning experience Post-training follow-up with YOUR trainer-coach


Develop your image and your network in a professional environment, act in harmony with your values (module 1)

  • Gain concrete tools and a new way of positioning yourself and be more assertive
  • Boost your personal power and be aligned with your values
  • Increase your influence, visibility and impact
  • Learn to work on your image in a work environment
  • Open up to self-esteem

Develop the quality of your time (module 2)

  • Identify and understand your relationship to time to make it a professional asset
  • Find the right work-life balance
  • Become aware of the impossibility of increasing time and therefore by developing its quality
  • Discover how to develop a new way to organize and a new relationship with time

Develop your assertivness in a work environment (module 3)

  • Develop confidence and how to be heard
  • Get ready for change and take your place
  • Develop your talents and increase your individual contribution

Communication and management: better manage your interpersonal relationships by developing your leadership (module 4)

  • Self-awareness to improve communication and adapt your communication style
  • Discover your communication profile and your management style
  • Develop a balanced and open animation style
  • Improve your transversal management skills

Reveal your talent as a negociator! (module 5)

  • Gain confidence
  • Prepare your negotiation (salary increase, new job, new project)
  • Understand, anticipate reactions for successful negotiations

What if luck becomes one of your skills? (module 6)

  • Learn to adopt a positive attitude
  • Know how to provoke and create luck
  • Understand the proactivity circles
  • Change your habits

About the instructor

Alexandra Dimian

Formatrice et coach, votre formatrice All positive pour les formations en anglais

 linkedin Icône gratuit
  Alexandra Dimian est une experte de la prise de parole en public et de la confiance en soi.   Parfaitement trilingue (français, anglais, néerlandais), passionnée de développement personnel et d’arts de la scène, elle donne à chacun le coup de boost nécessaire pour rayonner, rendre ses présentations mémorables et avancer dans ses projets. Alexandra a d'abord évolué en tant que responsable financier au sein de grands groupes informatiques dans sa 1ere partie de carrière. Dans le cadre du programme diversité de son entreprise (EMC), elle participe en 2016 à la formation "Marketing de soi". En 2020, détentrice d’un Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) «Innovation, créativité et transformation», et à l'issue de sa reconversion professionelle, elle rejoint, l'équipe All Positive et anime des formations et conférences conçues par All Positive, en français et en ANGLAIS. Elle accompagne également en coaching individuel (dans ces 2 langues), celles et ceux qui veulent booster leur carrière. Par ailleurs, elle a obtenu la distinction DTM (Distinguished Toastmasters), niveau le plus élevé au sein de Toastmasters International, organisation spécialisée dans le leadership et la communication publique. English version :  "I believe in individual talent and empowerment, both of which allow us to overcome obstacles and move forward -- a key ability in today's world and the world of tomorrow. A number of years ago, while working as a financial controller at EMC-Dell, I attended Laurence’s course on Self Marketing and I absolutely loved it. I am delighted to be part of the team today. As a consultant, trainer and coach, I am highly business minded and specialize in the human aspect of interpersonal business relationships. My motto is: "Together, we go further". I assist and advise clients in areas such as collective intelligence, soft skills and innovation. I am supremely passionate about personal development and have been for many years. In 2020, I decided to pursue official training in the field and was certified as an ICF Coach, at theInternational Coaching Federation. I have an international background and speak 5 languages, including French, English and Dutch, which I speak fluently". Skills and certifications
  • Executive MBA EM Lyon 2019
  • ICF Coach
  • Toastmasters International : Distinguished Toastmaster Award
4.72 (25 ratings)

3 Cours

3 students

Appréciations des apprenants


Total sur 3 Notations

2 ratings
1 rating
0 rating
0 rating
0 rating

Building up my self-esteem and self confidence, getting to know other women at PTC and get perspective by interacting with women in other fields. I also got the confidence to negotiate, presenting my achievements to management, etc.

I found relevant practical way of thinking and roadmap on each session.

There was lots of information, not only exposed to us, but we went through it emotionally. Now I understand better the business world. I believe that all these will nally lead to improvements.


Les atouts de cette formation

  • Boost your professional development by expanding your personal potential.
  • 1 day of training per month to boost your career.
  • 6 training-coaching themes.
  • A course dedicated to women (managers, executives, women entrepreneurs, etc.).
  • 10 participants max per session for the best learning experience.
  • Post-training follow-up with your trainer-coach.

Inhouse training : Quotation on demand

Intercompanies session : Book my seat*

*pré-inscription sans engagement

Upload « Self marketing » program

Satisfaction globale des stagiaires ayant suivi cette formation (relevée sur les évaluations à chaud)

  • En 2021 : 9/10
  • En 2022 : 9.8/10
  • En 2023 : 9.2/10
  • 2024 (1er semestre) : Non programmée sur la période

A course dedicated to women (managers, executives, women entrepreneurs, etc.).

The price includes:

  • Your training, the course material and the tools distributed during the training
  • In the case of video training: a link to access the virtual class (Zoom or Teams) will be sent to you
  • Personal Extranet access for each participant allowing access to all useful information, downloading tools and materials. The Extranet also makes it possible to complete the online registration and to access the end-of-training evaluation.

This training can be supported by your OPCO, All Positive being Qualiopi certified. Contact us for any quote request.

Intercompanies session : Price per person and for 6 days (42h) :  2 940 € HT (3 528 € TTC)

Inhouse session : Quotation on demand

Intercompanies session : Training takes place in video / interactive virtual class or at the customer’s premises. They can also be scheduled in Paris, in a training center accessible by public transport. A convocation and a training agreement will be sent to you.

Inhouse session : Training takes place in virtual class (Zoom), in Paris 16 or on the employer’s buildings. Training room accessible by public transport.
An invitation will be sent to all trainees by email a few days before the training.

Accessibility for people with disabilities : this training is accessible to all.
We remain available to process any request and adapt our content if necessary.
(example: transmitting a medium upstream in anticipation of its transcription into Braille, ensuring the PMR compliance of the room, etc.).

  • Format: Alternation of theory, practical cases and scenarios illustrating the educational content and the concept addressed
  • Materials: Powerpoint presentation, tool sheets given to participants, quizzes, tests, development axis
  • Tools: Paperboard, video projector, co-construction and collaborative reflections with post-its
  • Assessment methods: In order to validate the skills and knowledge acquired during this training, quizzes and MCQs will be offered. Oral evaluations (scenarios) will also be offered.

The provision of a personal Extranet for each trainee allows him to access administrative and logistical information related to his training session at any time, to access quizzes, to download course materials, etc.

  • By the customer: any cancellation request must be sent to us in writing. Fees may be retained if there is a late cancellation (contact us for the conditions).
  • Due to the organizer: the organizer reserves the right to cancel or postpone the training if the number of participants is insufficient.

Reminder: No intra-company training action will be validated without a purchase order, signed estimate or support agreement. Payments by bank transfer are preferred. Payments by check are cashed after the training.

Intra-company training takes place in video / interactive virtual class or at the customer’s premises. They can also be offered in Paris, in a training center accessible by public transport (Paris 16). A convocation and a training agreement will be sent to you.

In the case of an intra-company session, all the training methods (training objectives, detailed program and duration, prerequisites, target audience, method used, evaluation methods, etc.) are seen on a case-by-bus basis and transmitted upstream, with your training quote.

Contact us for a quote.

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